Heaven is a place on Earth!

Heaven on Earth is an energetic state of being that births into the world of form through your embodiment.

Heaven on Earth is not a destination that you arrive at, nor is it something you wait for, hoping that it will one day reach you.

It is You.

It has always been you.

Realise now, that you are Heaven sent to bring it forth. Seek the inner dwelling place where it can be found. Look not outside of you, rather go within, and see that it has always been here.


“Many humans out there are waiting..

..waiting for a change..

..waiting for a new dawn..

..waiting for heaven on earth..

..waiting for love to come.

You know,

that it is already here.

The new dawn is here!

Love is here, now..

..and heaven on earth was never gone..

..people just couldn’t see it anymore.

You will..

more and more

for everyday.

You will wake up,

without never having gone to sleep

you will wake up

and you will see

that it was always right here.

Then you love, then you dance, and then you sing…

…and the world will start dancing with you.”

(”God is Love”. Listen to the full version here.)



That which is happening now has been written about and prophesized;

The Ancients Ones are returning to open the heart of humanity so it may remember its Divine Origin and bring forth the new world, as One Humanity and One Love.

You didn’t come here to escape this planet, wait for the mothership to take you home, and endure while waiting. You came here to transform this planet- through transforming the human experience and bringing forth a New Earth that is aligned with the frequencies of love, harmony and peace.

Love is your very essence, there for you to embrace. Once you do, you return home, but without going anywhere... So “returning home” is all about acknowledging and embracing your Divine Essence.

Then you come alive… and you light up the world simply by being you. You'll share your natural gifts and true expression, sing the song of your soul and dance to the rhythm of your wild heart.

This is a way of life, entering states of bliss within the ordinariness of everyday living. We are not escaping life, numbing out, seeking ways of distractions and avoiding being fully here, we are becoming fully present.

We embrace our original purity, and the simple ways of love.

Now life gets real fun too!

The good news that Heaven is a place on Earth will be shared through your presence, and the life that you are living. For you are indeed the Heaven sent who’s living the Eternal Light of Love on Earth, dancing even if it seems dark, for you know the truth, and it’s felt within your Awakened Heart.


As we come alive as higher dimensional light beings, while in body, everything will begin to shift. It is all about energy, vibration and frequency. As your inner world changes, so will your outer.

Earth Beings.

Light Beings.

Human Beings.

Divine Beings.

We are all of it.

Heaven is here now, on Earth!


Ascended Master Mary Magdalene once said to me:

“I lift you up to the high heavens. You always walk with me”

But being lifted to the high heavens doesn’t mean that we are leaving Earth or leaving the body. It means we are awakening our Light Presence & Angelic Self—while in body.

Heaven on Earth is the merging of Spirit and Matter- The Masculine and Feminine—into Union. The higher and lower realms merges into one unified state of love. The realm of the body and the realm of the soul merge into a single blissful vastness. This is the wisdom and teachings of tantra.

Lifted into the heavenly light, while still very much in the physical, makes one feel so spacious, joyful and free. Both the body and the mind lightens, and it feels unified.

The Paradise lies within. The Rainbow light shines in you, as you. The Essence of the Rose vibrates within your being, and you know yourself as One with Love.

Heaven on Earth comes to life through your Heavenly Embodiment.

As the realm of Spirit and Matter merge together, and feels more and more unified, there may be moments where you feel like you are “walking in the Heavens and on Earth at the same time”.

The Heavenly gates are open, and it does not mean going "up" to higher dimensions, and "leaving" the body while doing so. It means anchoring it here, now, on Earth, and embodying these frequencies.

At this point Earth becomes better than Heaven, for we are in a body. We embrace the knowing of the Ancients: never such a rare gift as being in body.

It’s so incredible and magical. Yes, we come alive in the magic! Endless possibilities now opens. There are no limits… We are unlimited beings!

That which is limitless cannot be bound. That which is eternally free cannot be caged. Remember now, who you are.


Love liberates you from the bondages of your own predicaments. To be “in love” is to be free.

This state of “being in love” does not include another person. It’s a way of being. You feel love as you, and you feel in love with yourself, with life and all that is. Nothing outside of you is stimulating this feeling of love, you simply are “in love” which is a state of being and the natural essence of you.

So when you begin to feel love as an uprising within you, when you start to sense that life is good, without nothing particular having made it so, when circumstances are not what dictates how you feel about yourself and life—you are deepening into the essence of love that you are.

You have been led to belive that love is outside of you, that you somehow have to find it somewhere, and prove yourself worthy of it. You have been led to believe that Heaven is a destination that you may one day go to, but only if you “behave and do as you are told”.

The real you is complete freedom, and the pure essence of love. This is the part that seeks to express itself through your physical form.

As we choose to lean in, when we most want to run away. As we choose to open, when we most want to close down and keep the guard up- we enter into the path of soul liberation.

We let love in. We let love win.

We realise the truth of who we are, and always have been!

Nothing will ever be the same.

Life will begin to open in miraculous ways.


In a world full of agendas to distract, create confusion and spread fear, so that you may forget who you truly are—attune yourself daily. Refine and sharpen to amplify your awareness of your Sovereign Divinity and this embodiment.

Charge your energy-body and enter into regal states of awareness.

Practice being in the fullness of your brilliant light. It’s highly electric. Your awakened life force is voltage. Practice how to contain it— being in it—rather than constantly leaking it.

As you scale up, you hold more and more voltage. You feel comfortable holding more energy, you deeply embody it, ground it into your being— and into the Earth. Your body, which is like an antenna, will be more and more refined and able to receive supreme intelligence.

You embody the Holy Light in such a way that shifts paradigms, and you begin to activate others through your presence alone.

Does it scare you to be this powerful? Then practice until you’re no longer scared of yourself and who you are.

What is happening on the physical plane, what you see with your two eyes, is only one reality. So don’t get lost here, pulled into the drama— or start running around looking for that which you already are.

You are a multidimensional being, a portal to the eternal light— here to anchor in the reality of a higher dimensional existence.

You bring to life that which can first only be felt by the heart and seen by the Soul. Keep anchoring in the truth and bring forth what is already existing within you.

As you come alive..

..the world around you will

come alive too!

We are anchoring the light on Earth. We are giving birth to higher states of consciousness. We are creating a new world. We are showing everyone that Heaven is indeed a place on Earth.

—With all my love,



Embracing my Humanity


Embody your True Self with Patchouli