A high-level leadership circle supporting the Blue Rose Priestess & her sacred mission

Magnificent women are walking this Earth. They are the sacred Temples of the Goddess.

I’m here to support these women in living their truth in a way that stirs a REVOLUTION of love, freedom, abundance and sovereignty.

They are joining together, as promised, in “The Great Gathering” to bring in the light and support the rebirth of a new era.

This is a Goddess-movement that is powerfully anchored in UNION of the Masculine and Feminine Principles, carrying the highest frequencies of light.

Are you ready to join the revolution?

I welcome you to Leadership of Light!

With all my love,

I am calling to you who…

✧ Know in your heart that there’s a reason you’re on this planet, and that you agreed to serve a great mission. You have been in a process of “waking up” to your divine purpose and mission on Earth. So much has changed in your life, and somehow it feels like everything has been preparing you for what is now opening.

✧ Have been devoted to your personal growth, and have experienced deep internal shifts. You are now called to step into a deeper role of service, and let your inner light shine knowing it will raise the vibration of the planet, and guide other people home.

✧ Know you’re meant for more, but you’re not sure how to get there. The intuitive downloads flow through you so easily. You are so tapped in. Your guides keep showing you what you are here for. You feel it. Deep down you know it. You have something so unique to offer this world. You’re just not quite sure what step to take.

✧ Can feel the power of your gifts, mission and sacred work. But it also scares you. You know that your gifts chose YOU, and that you're not here to hide them. The deepest yearning of your Soul is for these gifts to be shared. Does it feel scary? Of course! Because it matters! It’s important. It’s super precious. But it also feels exciting. Fear isn’t going to hold you back. You’re ready to say a full yes to yourself and your mission.

✧ Have felt an indescribable magic within your heart for long! You carry a knowing deep within that there’s something wanting to birth itself through you. If we are to give rise to a new, ancient world that for long has been hidden, we have to trust that which we feel in our heart and see with our Soul. This is the essence of the Light Leader, and you know yourself to be one.

✧Are ready to share your gifts and get paid doing that you love. You desire to create more freedom in all areas of your life, and really live from the heart! You can feel the pure joy of simply being YOU, living a life that you deeply love, and helping others in the process.

✧ Have found yourself caught up in the hustle of distorted entrepreneurship that takes you out of your feminine flow and pleasureful nature. You no longer want to diminish your innate feminine power. You are ready to expand into next level growth from a place of deep embodiment of your Divine Feminine Essence. This means that your nervous system is regulated, you feel nourished and safe while you scale up your life and business. You rise with solid roots.

"For many lives upon planet Earth you have walked as a Magdalene. And for every lifetime that you have served, we have been with you. You are known by many. I guide you to rise again, to be seen as a Magdalene.

I speak to you now of your importance and the seed of light that will expand. I guide you to rise. I stand with you. I am right here by your side."

-Mary Magdalene

Hi, I’m Marita!

I am — my life is— a channel for The Goddess.

I live a life in sacred devotion. 

I dance to the rhythm of love.

The deeper I journey into the Mysteries, the more I see that all is less complicated than what we make it to be.

The simple ways of God— of Love— softens me into the sweetness of life.

I let the light of love within me nourish and rejuvenate me daily. 

I live this light and allow myself to shine.

I know my body is a temple and holy vessel.

I come alive through pleasure.

I know that living the magic that I feel within is the most important thing I could ever offer this world.

I am here to be of service. 

I listen deeply.

From this place of listening, I allow for my creations and offerings to come forth.

I live in harmony and flow.

It wasn’t always like this. I used to struggle.

I was deeply afraid of being seen in my truth— and loved here.

I didn’t feel worthy of receiving. I thought that “just me” wasn’t enough.

Until I realised it was everything.

From the depths of my deepest struggle a new way was born.

I discovered the key that unlocked it all.

I decided to turn my pain and deep sorrow into medicine for not only me, but every single woman who would be open to receive it.

Sister, it’s my mission and sacred purpose to activate you to your light.

To help you remember all that you are.

To hold space for you to transform your pain into heart-centred leadership.

To help you live your unique soul mission.

Together, we will anchor the light.

During our time together you’ll receive high-level support as you answer your deepest most intimate calling and embrace your leadership of light as a Priestess of the Blue Rose.

Within this space you are not answering the calling alone, you are surrounded by Women who stand with you, and are fully committed to their own path of rising.

The journey of remembering and expressing our our authentic self is not an easy one and it takes tremendous courage and deep support. It’s easy to fall into forgetting, and default back into old patterns and ways of thinking and living.

Within this Sisterhood space you in a powerful collective of women who are ready to rise in their feminine power. You will feel held, seen, nurtured and empowered in ways that will radically shift your entire world.

It activates the internal permission slip to be unapologetically you!


You are a Soul who came to Earth with a mission to anchor the light and support the transition into a new era of elevated consciousness.

You are part of a group of Souls who are located in different places across the planet, each with unique gifts and purpose— but united through a shared mission of seeding Christ Consciousness.

You are now called to live your unique light mission, to further develop your gifts to co-create a brighter more harmonious world for all.

This is the building of a legacy that will live on for generations to come.

When the chosen Light Beings step into the great gathering, much will be known.

All members of this group has unique gifts and a unique mission, and all is woven together. When they come together, they begin to co-create, co-heal and ‘bring in the light’ in ways that is only possible through this unified mission.


Leadership of Light is a seven month program starting June 20 2024.

Part I of the Blue Rose Program is a prerequisite to enter into this Light Leader Circle.

This high-level mentorship program will amplify your most sacred gifts and talents, and hold space for you to step into the role of service that you came here for.

It will give you the support to answer you deepest calling, rise in your truth and be all that you know in your heart that you came here to be.

As your energy transforms, so will your life and business. As you align with the rhythm of Nature…the rhythm of Goddess…you will grow your business and anchor your legacy with ease and joy, rather than pushing, forcing and trying to make it happen.

The program is spacious and well-nourished with plenty of time for integration to support your feminine flow.

This experience is for a small group of women ready to join a powerful collective of light leading entrepreneurs.

During the six months you will receive:

Opening Ceremony with Summer Solstice and Closing Ceremony with Winter Solstice

Six Blue Rose Transmissions (#4-9)

Monthly live coaching sessions, business mentorship and goddess circles (magic happens here + get ready to have lots of fun)

Gorgeous playbooks that perfectly supports your process

High-level support, accountability and inspiration

Ceremonies & Sacred Rituals

Ongoing support throughout the program via the Community Space

Is your heart saying YES? Then I am so excited to hear from you!


A woman’s true nature is highly pleasureful, radiant and orgasmic, but many women are burnt out because they're entirely disconnected from their own inner source of power.

A woman’s power to create, nurture and bring to life is so great that much has been done to suppress it. This includes making women feel wrong and shameful about their wild, untamed, primal, creative and orgasmic nature.

Trying to be like men— in life and in business— is highly stressful for a woman and takes her out of her femininity.

We are restoring the Way of the Goddess— in all areas of life! We are allowing for the energy of love, abundance and pleasure to express itself through our physical vessels—our temple bodies— for it to truly blossom on this planet.

Sister— feel in your heart the life that calls you. You came here for this and YES it gets to be this good!! You know living your purpose is living your truth— your magic— which means a life filled with love, abundance and playfulness.

Imagine being you…. living with such a sense of aliveness….and helping people while you’re at it. It feels amazing and you feel free! This way of life is asking you to open the doors for it to enter…so it can manifest into form, anchor into your body, into your felt experience, and blossom as your lived reality.

Sister….As you let yourself be a channel for the Divine and devote yourself to be the vessel for higher wisdom and an instrument for change— and truly get yourself out of the way to let God be the CEO— the abundance and impact you will experience is beyond what you could possibly imagine.

You have now aligned yourself with a Greater Will and Purpose.

You are a Wayshower here to bring forth a New Paradigm as you walk the highest path of love. As old structures are crumbling and much is falling away, you are rising in your light, truth, wisdom and love— as Sovereign and free.

All that is asked of you is to trust. The path will reveal itself as you start walking it.

  • When I met Marita I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I followed her every smile, her laugh and her walk. 

    I could feel lher—and that feeling was freedom and love. I was looking at her and saw The Goddess. I didn’t understand all of it then, but am grateful that I followed my intuition and joined Marita’s community. I am so grateful for her hand and light guiding me on this path. 

    Marita saw something in me that I wasn't able to see. Her divine wisdom and love have supported me so much in letting go of old beliefs and welcoming powerful transformations and breakthroughs.

    Marita, from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful for all the love and support you have given me.


  • Marita, you are a gift!

    A woman who so steadily navigates and operates on so many levels with such apparent ease as what you do is.. wow.. the new era!

    You are so brave, so wild, so light, so deep, so wise.

    You have met all of me, seen all of me, and supported all of me since day one.

    I honor you!

    I am filled with hope and laugher by the thought of you being here, leading and shining as you do.

    Thank you!

    -Stine Charlotte

  • I cannot put into words the level of impact that Marita has had on my life. The minute I was in her energetic field, I knew that there was something special about this soul and that she was going to massively shift my life. Her entire being, was drawing me in. My soul knew that what she had was the key to what my soul was longing for. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that if it wasn’t for her- I would not be who I am today.

    Use my testament, take my story, faith and courage and leap in with her at any level that she can support you.

    You will not regret it.


  • Marita is a beautifully fierce powerhouse of radically soft gentle unconditional love and support. She helps you believe in yourself. In your worth, in your trust, in your Love and in your Light.

    While I felt like I was making great strides on my own, with Marita by my side, I literally felt like I could move mountains!

    Being open to receiving Marita’s love, guidance and support, has expanded my own heart in so many ways. I am no longer playing small!


  • Before meeting Marita I was searching for something with a deeper meaning in my life. I knew that I was born for something big and magical.

    I found it when I met Marita.

    Not only does she have a very powerful personality, but a very maternal one too.

    I felt so welcomed and safe because of the way she understood me.


  • Thank you, Marita, for being such a beautiful vessel for the magic of Divine Love and Service.
