The Mysteries of The Goddess

Our soul-led life is so precious and totally magical. The feeling of really being who we came here to be is glorious. Often times we get a little taste of it, and in these moments we feel so lit up!

But there may still be something that holds us back from fully accepting that life gets to be this good…..

What is it that’s really holding us back from embracing our true nature?

We silence ourselves, withhold our unique gifts and resist our most incredible life when we deep down believe that we will lose something so important if we open to it. This can be a belief about who we are, an identity that has shaped our entire life, a habit, a way of living, a relationship, a lover, or anyone’s approval of us.

It’s all ultimately leading us to face the greatest fear of all: the fear of loosing ourself and all that we think we are.

Losing this mental construct, this persona and this sense of self— and all the things that we have attached to it— feels like an actual death.

The fear of death— which essentially is a fear of change, of letting go, of surrendering into the unknown— will have us do anything to avoid it. This means that we will work AGAINST our true self that seeks to express itself, which means we essentially fight to defend our own limitations.

So even letting go of a belief that says “I am not enough” will mean that we have to let go of this version of us, and the life that we have build around it.

This means releasing an entire way of being, and something that we have known for long. This means that we have to change on such a deep level that we may not even recognise ourself anymore. We literally become a whole new version.

In order for the “new” to rise, the old must be released. The dying of the old version allow for the rebirth of the new. Without death there isn’t a rebirth. Without winter there is no spring.

We love spring and the new life. But we tend to avoid winter and the death process that sparks the new life to rise.

This cycle of life, death and rebirth is demonstrated to us by Nature, and the more we tune into the rhythm of Nature we awaken more of our own.

We are not just living in Nature, we are Nature— and to truly blossom and live free, we have to also let ourselves die.

This place of surrender is an entry point into the Mysteries of the Goddess; for the realm of the Divine Feminine is the realm of the Unknown. The Goddess is the Mystery.

So to enter, we are asked to surrender all that we think we know.

On the other side of the stories we tell ourselves is freedom. Who we THINK we are is the identity that is standing in the way of who we actually are.

The “I” who is trying to break free is what is standing in the way of the realisation that you are already free.

When we misidentify with the human form we believe that we are the mind, and hence all these thoughts such as “I am not enough”. We then forget that it is Spirit that informs matter. Not the other way.

We forget that we are eternal beings of the highest light. We forget that we are already whole. We forget that we are already free. We forget that we are the very SOURCE of Love and Abundance.

Within this forgetting we try really hard to fit in and receive some kind of validation, so we can lessen the pain of feeling separated from the whole. But separation is an illusionary world within the mind, and it’s not who we really are.

The body and mind is very much like an antenna which receive signals from the I AM presence that is pure consciousness and the Mighty God-presence.

There is no need to try to connect to something that we already are. There is no need to seek for what we already have. This is a journey of remembering all that we are, and always have been.

When we switch from “trying to make it happen” to allowing we let our Divine Light express itself and shine. This is also an acknowledgement of the very power that made us, and allowing for this to be in charge, rather than the mind.

When the mind is trying to run the show, we end up feeling so exhausted. See it as trying to control the Universe, or Nature. We can try all we want, but at the end of the day we’re just gonna feel very tired, confused and stuck. It’s also very tiring to keep on “trying to connect”, or “trying to be free”.

What if we surrendered into the Divine Intelligence instead? What if we accepted that we are all that we seek? Rather than trying to swim against the current, what if we allowed ourselves to be in flow?

As we start to let go we begin to see ourselves in our truth as whole, rather than separated. We are then no longer trying to survive, which means we are not living in fear of death— and we come alive. We experience freedom and our unlimited essence. Then there is no fear of losing anything, because nothing can be lost.

This means we are absolutely not the thoughts that says that we’re not enough or not lovable. We are not our limitations. We are MORE than we could ever THINK ourselves to be…….



We move through many initiations and rites of passages throughout our life. Our initiatory journey and experience will stir many changes in our lives. An initiation is a deeply transformational experience that takes you over the threshold of permanent change. Having moved through an initiation and rite of passage, life will never be the same for you are forever changed.

As we navigate one rite of passage and come out on the other side, we may feel pretty good about expressing our authentic self. We feel less worried about what other people would think, or whatever we were to lose by being true to ourself and live free.

But then we enter the next gateway which is guiding us deeper into our truth, and we may realise that while we thought we were in our full expression, we were still only scratching the surface. Now comes the next rite of passage, and the next invitation to let ourselves die to be reborn.

As we move through yet another initiation that takes us deeper into the Mystery of the Unknown, there may be new levels of fear and resistance, for once again we are asked to leave behind the comfortable and familiar.

For every rite of passage, we are freeing ourselves from the limiting idea of being a separate mind in a separate body, and we move into the knowing of the spacious unified quantum field.

The many Initiations of The Goddess will take us into the realm of the Unknown— into the Mystery—into the Quantum Field—until we begin living awake within it, knowing ourselves to be it!

As we venture into the unknown space within, we will have to let go of all the things we are most afraid of losing, and all the things we think we know.

As human beings we like to know with certainty. We like to be in control. It's a natural human tendency that works as a self-protective behaviour mechanism. We like to know for sure the end destination before we take the first step. We like to know for sure that someone is going to love us if we let ourselves be seen. We like to know for sure what lies on the other side as we enter into an unknown space…

But there is no “knowing for sure” within the mystery that is life. It’s all uncertain. This uncertainty is a very exciting space of possibility, but to the human mind it’s absolutely nerve-racking and terrifying. It will do anything to get itself out of this space of uncertainty and back into the known and familiar.

So here comes the fear of letting go of a belief such as “I am not enough”, because who are we without it? What will we lose of we let it go? What will change?

So then comes the question: Can you let yourself fully drop into this space of not knowing? Where you have absolute no control and there is a higher intelligence at play—the same energy that moves the seasons.

Will you trust it? Will you trust that you are taken care of?

When you are no longer trying to survive, and trying to “be good enough”, then what is there?

So if we are to truly make the most of this very precious life, experience real intimacy with ourselves and others, show up as our authentic self, embrace our sacred essence and allow for it to shine in a way that have us live UNLIMITED lives beyond what we could ever have imagined….

….then all of this has to become more important than anything we think we might lose in the process. 


As we transcend the limiting ideas of the mind we embrace the quantum field of pure existence, possibilities and awareness. We experience deeper emotional maturity and begin to align our life with a greater purpose.

As we continue on our initiatory journey we begin to “scale up”, meaning that our light body becomes stronger, our consciousness is shifting, and our immortal self awakens. The way we see ourselves changes, and there is a greater sense of Divinity, Soverenity and Interconnectedness.

This leads to physical changes such as deep clearing of toxins. In addition DNA codes, endocrine glands, brain and neurological functions will be activated. This results in greater health, vitality and wellness, in addition to heightened creativity and superconscious abilities such as clairvoyance and telepathy.

We allow every cell of our being to be flooded with the purity of the Divine Light, and we rest deeply in the knowing that we are of the light. We surrender more and more, we give ourselves fully to the light. We ALLOW for the light to express itself and we accept our Mighty God-self.

This is our natural freedom.

This is the UNLIMITED space of pure possibility.

This was never a destination, it was a revelation of who we have always been.


With all my love,



Loving your Human Self


New Year Thoughts