The Magic of Spring Equinox

On March 20 the Wheel of the Year turns and we welcome Spring Equinox, which marks the first day of Spring and a new, fresh start. How magnificent and exciting!

Spring Equinox not only marks the start of a new season, but also a new astrological year. This is a powerful time of rebirth, renewal and new beginnings.

The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals that has its roots in Celtic traditions. Today it’s honored by Pagans, Wiccans, Witches of all kinds, spiritual seekers and ALL nature-lovers who wish to honor the subtle shifts in Nature, and celebrate the turning of the seasons.

There are eight seasonal festivals that makes up The Wheel of the Year. Spring Equinox falls between March 20-23, in between Imbolc (February 1) and Beltane (May 1).

In the Pagan tradition Spring Equinox is called Ostara, from the Goddess Ostara (or Eostre/Oestre). The hare is her sacred animal, and brightly colored eggs, chicks, and bunnies were all used at this festival time to honor Ostara; the Goddess of fertility and abundance.

The word equinox comes from the Latin words for “equal night”—aequus (equal) and nox (night). On the equinox, the length of day and night is equal.

Equinoxes occur twice a year; one in the Spring and one in the Autumn. These are some of the most important days of the year.

During the Spring Equinox season all of nature is supporting you to let go of the old, open to the NEW, and align with your highest path possible.

This is a really magical time!!


Spring Equinox is a celebration of spring and new life! The stirring of life force that began at Imbolc on February 1st has now manifested itself as longer days, greater warmth of the sun, and perhaps even various spring flowers.

The dark months are over and we are now embracing the warmth of the sun. This will not only warm the soil of the Earth and bring to life new creations, but it will warm our hearts, ignite our spirits, and give fuel to our own rebirth and awakening.

Perhaps you have noticed that the birds have started to sing again? They too feel the warming ray of the sun!

The sun will now continue to grow until the Summer Solstice in June, when it slowly begins to turn inward again.

We are in for the lightest and brightest days of the year!
Such an exciting time ahead.

We are transitioning from an inward time, to an outward time. Because of the depth of our winter hibernation and our ability to rest within the safe holding of the Dark Goddess, we will now rise into new life with greater force. How glorious indeed!

The blossoming of new life is felt all around. We are starting to feel lighter, with a sense of excitement about what is to come. Creativity and inspiration is naturally starting to flow, and just as the birds, we too may feel an urge to express ourselves more.

Spring Equinox also marks the New Astrological Year, and this is a powerful time of rebirth and renewal.

The transition from winter to spring is a little bit of a process, so remember to go easy on yourself, and take one step at the time. Look no Nature.. there is no rush there.

So please don't feel rushed, or compare yourself to what others are doing right now. Ground and nourish yourself, take care of your well-being, and begin planting those seeds that will blossom in the coming months. 


During the time of Spring Equinox new life is beginning to stir, without and within. There is a strengthening of the life-force energy, the energy of creation.

This will continue to build up towards Beltane on May 1st, the fire and fertility festival. We are in heightened times, and most exciting ones.

Now is a time of celebrating the freshness of life, begin igniting our life-force energy, and prepare for expansion.

Feeling ready to make a fresh start? Have you noticed all the ways you’ve changed over the winter months? So much is falling away now, to make space for the new to rise!

March/April is an excellent time for inner and outer spring cleaning and reset to support the purification and renewal.

Naturally when the season change you may feel called to eat different types of food, and change your exercise routine and daily habits. You may also feel like doing a cleanse to support the release of the old and the welcoming of the new.

This period is a great time to make the changes that feels good and right for you and your body. Pay attention to the signals of the body, and notice what it asks for….

The seasonal shift isn’t just in Nature. You too are moving from Winter to Spring, for you are Nature.

This is a time when a reboot and renewal of our life energy becomes essential, so you can build vitality, and purify any stagnation. All of Nature is supporting you with this.

As you elevate your inner environment, it will allow for the mind to relax and become crystal clear.

Clarity is important during this time. As the wild rivers starts to flow through your being, and you feel called to create and infuse your energy into magical projects— you will need clarity and a focused mind!

This seasonal phase leading to Beltane on May 1st is really good period to determine which of your winter dreams and visions you want to focus on.

If you’re not clear on where to focus this powerful growth energy, it can easily feel a little chaotic. If your energy is pulled in many different directions it can lead to overwhelm and burnout.

If you’re really clear on where you want to see new growth, you now have the power to really transform your life during this spring/summer season.

Which changes are you called to make to support your renewal?

What kind of food is your body asking for?

What kind of daily practices supports you the most now? How are they different from the ones during winter?

What is rising in you?


It is well known that the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes (as well as Solstices) were of great importance to our ancestors. There are thousands of ancient monuments and sites all over the world that were created with special alignments to mark sunrise and sunset on these days. 

Our ancestors tracked the seasons, and they paid close attention to the sun. They observed the Universe. They used the Sun and the Moon as a sort of calendar, tracking the Sun’s path across the sky.

Since the beginning of time, our ancestors have marked Spring Equinox with ritual and celebration. They knew of its importance. May we remember it too….


Symbols for Spring Equinox are eggs (decorating eggs is a great Ostara activity), green grass, bumble bees, butterflies, rabbits and hares, baskets and flowers such as daffodils, tulips, lilies and crocus. The colours associated with Spring Equinox are white and pastels colors of green, pink, yellow and blue.

The egg is a core symbol of the Divine Feminine’s creative energy. It represents birth, a new beginning, and expansion of life.

To me personally, the Butterfly is a very important Spring Equinox symbol, and Spring Equinox feels like Butterfly Magic to me. As a powerful representation of growth, new beginnings— and what is possible—the butterfly signifies the power of transformation and the incredible things that happens when we trust and believe in ourselves.

They’re born as caterpillars, cocoon themselves, and then emerge in their true form. If that isn’t pure magic, that I don’t know what is!

The butterfly show us that we too can grow, transform, emerge in our true form— spread our beautiful wings and FLY!


There are so many beautiful ways to honor Spring Equinox, and below you can find some suggestions.

Create a Spring Equinox altar

This is a wonderful way to honor this sacred day, and celebrate the shifts that are happening within and without. When creating your altar you may like to use spring colours like green, yellow, white and pink. Add items that holds a special meaning to you. It is great to also work with the nature around you, and what is growing on the land where you live.

Spring Equinox Ritual

A simple way to honor Spring Equinox is by lightening a candle and saying a prayer/blessing for your life. There is great potency in creating rituals that honors these seasonal shifts.

Set your Intentions & Open to the New

The spring and summer time we are moving into is of powerful growth energy. To avoid getting pulled in many different directions get clear now on your intentions, which seeds you are planting and tending to, and where you are focusing your energy.

Tune into the portal of your heart, and your inner guidance. What is being shown to you? What is the calling of the Soul? What excites you, and feels like the most fun— yet it is also bringing you out of your comfort zone!

Spring Equinox marks a time where possibilities, adventures and new experiences is rising.

What do you want to create and experience?

What would you like to see blossom and grow in your life over the coming months?

What seed are you planting now, that you will be harvesting in the fall?

Embrace wonder and curiosity about your new path, and tune into your heart everyday to listen.

Surrender to the Way of the Divine rather than how you’d like it to be. Are you operating from personal will and trying to make life bend to your ways, or are you in trust and surrender, in flow and excitement? Open to the life that has already been written in the stars…….

Cleanse and declutter to create space for new energies

Traditionally, the spring equinox was as a time to cleanse out stagnant energy within and without. Clean out your closest, beautify your home, adjust your exercise routine, check in with your body to notice any diet changes that it may call for. A new season and a new way may call for changes in several areas of you life. This is a good time for an inner and outer cleanse and reset.

Go for a “Spring Equinox walk”

Get out into Nature for a magical Spring Equinox walk, and look for signs of spring. This can be so fun! Tap into your childlike spirit, and explore. See what you find!

Plant seeds for your garden

Gardening isn't just a seasonal tradition, it's also a ritual to honor the Spring Equinox. As you plant the seeds and tend to your garden, infusing it with your love and prayers, you can also tap into the intentions for your own life.

Enjoy a Spring Equinox Celebratory Gathering with your loved ones

This is a great time to gather loved ones and share the joy and excitement of spring and all that is new. Decorate with Spring Equinox colours and symbols, and let it all be a wonderful way of honoring this very special, and important day and time of year!


This is a wonderful time to get your citrus and flowers oils out! Which one is your favourite?

Grapefruit is exciting, Bergamot is activating, Lemon helps you get focused, Wild Orange brings joy and positivity, Tangerine uplifts and bring forth inspiration, and Green Mandarin supports you to embrace your full potential.

All of them are deeply cleansing!

Let the citrus oils supports you in welcoming spring, and let them create a wonderful environment full of joy and inspiration!

If you are not sure which oil to use, Bergamot is ALWAYS a great one, and so aligned with the energies of expansion. Click through here to learn more about Bergamot and how to use it!

These floral essentials oils are wonderful for the spring time: Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Neroli and one of my absolute favourites: Osmanthus!

Here’s a great Spring Equinox Diffuser Blend that is full of JOY and magic:

4 drops Bergamot
4 drops Wild Orange
2 drops Ylang Ylang
2 drops Geranium

Enjoy this most wonderful time of year. I send you so many Spring Equinox blessings.

In beauty,



Joyfully Receive with Osmanthus


My story :: Part I